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Flu Treatment eBook for Sale

September 21, 2009

If looking for flu treatment, look no further. Rejuvenate Naturally is proud to announce our new comprehensive, reference eBook, H1N1 Threat Reduced Using Natural Healthcare, is now on the market.

Rejuvenate Naturally now a dedicated natural health site for H1N1

Many natural health products have not been evaluated by the FDA.

natural health site for H1N1, rejuvenate naturally, h1n1, flu prevention, flu treatment, swine flu

Flu Treatment

Flu treatment is a concern for many and this 90 page book covers how to prevent flu, treat flu and how to treat secondary bacterial infections which are deadly if the flu gets to this point.

We also cover detox, flu vaccines, vaccine fillers and how to prevent any health problems possibly caused by the vaccines or fillers.

There are also startling statistics in the book, from the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, that prove how successful natural treatment is for flu.

Information for pregnant women is also included along with government recommendations. It’s a comprehensive flu treatment reference book that every home should have.

Flu Treatment Recommended Products

Additionally, there are charts suitable for lamination and recommended products from a National Product Specialist trained to recommend natural health products.

natural health site for H1N1, rejuvenate naturally, swine flu treatment, H1N1, flu cure, alternative health

aman sharma/ap

H1N1 Threat Reduced Using Natural Healthcare : Chapters

Chapter 1: What is H1N1?
. . .4 genes that mutate. . . two definitions. . .16 RNA types in a cell. . .antigenic shift. . .prognosis. . .success of alternatives. . .homepathics. . .strains resistant to modern medicines. . .H1N1 replaces seasonal flu viruses. . .mutation

Chapter 2 : H1N1 Vaccine: Yes or No?
several suspicions. . .controversies. . .side effects. . .no approval USDA. . .allergic to eggs. . .protect yourself. . .nucleotides. . .build immunities to vaccines. . .commensal cells. . .aid digestion. . .overall health. . .probiotics. . .lack of availability. . .two doses. . .mercury. . .

Chapter 3 : Secondary Bacterial Infections with H1N1 can be Devastating
pneumonia. . .with flu virus. . .elderly. . .rectal implants. . .essential oils. . .kumbucha tea. . .respiratory infections. . .ventilators. . .death rate. . .74 countries

Chapter 4: Your First Step in Preparation for Flu Season
seasonal changes cause stress. . .use immune builders year round. . .kids, classes and flu. . .herbal remedies. . .body heals in sleep. . .garlic fights bacteria. . .review southern hemisphere. . .regular flu viruses replaced by H1N1.

Chapter 5: What to Do if Your Family Contracts the Flu
. . .recommended natural products. . .immune system. . .children. ..healthy diet. . .drink water. . .essential oils. . .antibacterial. . .homemade cough syrup. . .flu-like symptoms. . . chiropractors. . .natural healing. . .testing or treatment. . .H1N1 treatment. . .spray bottle. . .pregnant. . .hand cleaners. . .wash hands. . .fever. . .emergency. . .stay home. . .family plan. . . .oxygen tent

Chapter 6: Natural Ways to Combat Most Flu Viruses
recommended products to build immune system. . .stay hydrated. . . try to prevent H1N1. . .rest. . .diffuse essential oils. . .places to buy all natural. . .homeopathics. . .probiotics strains. . . modern medicine didn’t do so well….electrolytes. . .

Chapter 7 : Can Chiropractors Help You Overcome the H1N1 Virus?
1918 flu epidemic proved better equipped. . .their natural ways far out performed. . .in Iowa mortality rate was 1-15, with chiropractors 1-789. . .chiropractors saved patients doctors gave up on. . .. .saved countless lives in 1918 flu epidemic. . .how to pick a chiropractor

Rejuvenate Naturally dedicated as a natural health site for H1N1

Chapter 8: Government Preparedness Tips on H1N1
placed on self-quarantine 90 days. . .utility providers may not get to work. . .truckers may not deliver. . .hospitals may be overwhelmed. . .water is largest concern. . .
water supply alternatives. . .treatment of water at home. . .
purifiers and filters.

Chapter 9:  Government Preparedness Tips on H1N1 and Your Food Supply
ransportation services interrupted. . .food rationed. . .no fuel, propane,gas, kerosene. . .90 day quarantine. . .food storage. . .rotate supplies. . .cool place to store. . .keep accurate records. . start with two week supply. . .manual food mixer. . . manual can opener . .alternative heating and cooking. . .batteries. . .butane lighters. . .medications. . .matches.

Chapter 10: Fighting Seasonal Changes and Building the Immune System
common cold. . .natural remedies. . .teas. . .lots of liquids. .
. .foods easy to digest. . .. . .recommended products….rest. . .diffuse essential oils. . .probiotics. . .spray bottle of essential oils. . .laughter the best medicine. .

Chapter 11: Detoxing for Health and Flu Prevention
body cleaning. . .aromatherapy essential oils. . .regenerate tissues. . .oxygenate cells. . .magnified and concentrated. . .penetrate tissue. . .oxygen. . .metabolized as nutrients. . .emotional. . .physical. . .spiritual. . .good grade. . .colonics. . .toxins. . .blood and organs.

Chapter 12: Detox Through the Skin
onic footbaths. . .far infra-red saunas. . .gentle detox methods. . .feet soaking. . .soak recipe. . .dry skin brushing. . .massage. . .fasting. . .healing crisis. . .

Chapter 13 :Natural Foods Diet for Health and During Illness
positive effect. . .ideal food graph. . .chronic illnesses. . .organic. . .dirty dozen. . .low pesticide level. . .pesticide wash. . .alkaline. . .acid. . . food chart. . .

Chapter 14: Herbs and Remedies to Fight the Attack of Flu Viruses
ward off illnesses. . .health agents. . .natural cures. . .complicated viral strains. . .eat healthy. . .exercise. . .ph + – 7. . .rebuild immune system. . . . .fight bacteria.

Read what others say about our H1N1 book:

“Lots of great information!  I feel better prepared to protect my family.”

— L Garr, Canton, MI

“This book has wonderful information. I’m so glad to have it.”

–J Carson, Tulsa, OK

Purchase ebook

Our ebook is a comprehensive reference book for flu prevention and treatment. It’s a wonderful gift for someone you love too. The ebook comes in pdf and no jumping through hoops with DRM formating.

The ebook makes a great gift. It can be printed out, use the cover photo for a book cover and add spiral binding. It’s a wonderful reference book for your loved ones.

Free eBook from Rejuvenate Naturally

You can also receive our free  ebook, Miles and Miles of Circulation on how to improve circulation.

Our ebook may be purchased through PayPal or check/money order. And 10% of all sales go to charity. For multiple purchases at a discount, contact us at:

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Disclaimer: Book not intended as replacement for medical treatment. It is for information purposes only. Click here for the FDA fraudulent H1N1 influenza items list.

Flu Treatment eBook for Sale copyright 2009 by rejuvenate naturally and natural health site for H1N1

natural health site for H1N1, rejuvenate naturally, swine flu, flu cure, H1N1 symptoms, alternative health